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temporarily_unavailable on linkedin servers

I am new to work with linkedin programming and try to get some user data, however I can't get further than where I get this response the whole time:

{"error":"temporarily_unavailable","error_description":"the authorization server is currently unable to handle the request : RestException{_response=RestResponse[headers={X-LinkedIn-Error-Response=true, Content-Length=6936, X-Restli-Protocol-Version=1.0.0, Server=Jetty(8.1.8.v20121106)},status=404,entityLength=6936]} "}

I am using the following url with parameters: User Token&client_secret=OAuth User Secret

The error I get within C# is that the server is unavailble which corresponds with the JSON message.

Anybody does know the solution or has the same error or a solution on this?


  • temporarily_unavailable is an error code defined in RFC 6749 (OAuth 2.0). For this error code, all you can do is just wait for the authorization server to come back to its normal state.

    If the authorization server always returns temporarily_unavailable, there must be a bug in the implementation of the authorization server.