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Searching PyPI by topic

For every python package you can specify a list of classifiers. Among others there is a Topic classifier, that puts the package in the specified categories that can be browsed on PyPI.

For example, numpy has the following topics:

Topic :: Software Development
Topic :: Scientific/Engineering

Is there a way to search by topic programmatically using pip search or other third-party libraries?


  • You can search PyPI by classifier via the XMLRPC API, using the browse() method:

        import xmlrpclib  # Python 2
    except ImportError:
        import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib  # Python 3
    pypi = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('')
    packages = pypi.browse([
        "Topic :: Software Development",
        "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering",

    In the example above, packages contains a list of [package, version] lists for all packages which satisfy both the "Topic :: Software Development" and "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering" classifiers:

    >>> {pkg: ver for pkg, ver in packages if "numpy" in pkg}
        'nose-numpyseterr': '0.1',
        'msgpack-numpy': '0.3.2',
        'numpy': '1.8.1',
        'idx2numpy': '1.0b'

    From there, you can retrieve more information about a given release:

    >>> release = pypi.release_data('numpy', '1.8.1')
    >>> release['download_url']
    >>> release['platform']
    'Windows,Linux,Solaris,Mac OS-X,Unix'
    >>> release['downloads']
        'last_day': 5818,
        'last_month': 187688,
        'last_week': 44764

    ... etc.