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android-gpuimage - provide image filter in a horizontal scroll view like instagram

As titled, I am trying to develop an app with image filters like instagram. I am able to use the CPUImage library to add effect to photo, but having trouble to show image filter options in a horizontal scroll view.

My idea is to create a bunch of demo pictures which represent different filtering effects and list them in a horizontal scroll view. When the demo picture is selected, use the CPUImage library to added corresponding effect.

The question is:

Is this the right or easiest way to achieve a image filter in horizontal scroll view?

Am I missed any existing reference, tutorial or library which does the same thing?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys.


  • After spending some time to figure our how to incorporate a horizontal scroll view and gpuImageFilter, I am able to achieve an instagram like image filter.

    Some related link and code sharing below for anyone who has the same problem.


    // Set the current effect mode as image border or filter
    private void setEffectMode(String mode)
        // Compute the width of a carousel item based on the screen width and
        // number of initial items.
        final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
        final int imageWidth = (int) (displayMetrics.widthPixels / INITIAL_ITEMS_COUNT);
        TypedArray filterResourcesTypedArray = null;
        if (mode.equals(borderMode))
            // Get the array of puppy resources
            filterResourcesTypedArray = getResources().obtainTypedArray(R.array.borderArray);
        } else if (mode.equals(filterMode))
            // Get the array of puppy resources
            filterResourcesTypedArray = getResources().obtainTypedArray(R.array.filterArray);
        // Populate the carousel with items
        for (int i = 0; i < filterResourcesTypedArray.length(); i++)
            // Create new ImageView
            imageItem = new ImageView(this);
            // Set the image view resource
            imageItem.setImageResource(filterResourcesTypedArray.getResourceId(i, -1));
            // Set the size of the image view to the previously computed value
            imageItem.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(imageWidth, imageWidth));
            // / Add image view to the carousel container

    How to create a horizontal image scroll view