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Spring webflow overwrite Spring security request rules?

Project use SWF 2.4.1 and SSec 4. I specified a failUrl on spring security for errors on login and a transition on webflow if evaluate expression fail. In this case SWF redirection is priority to SSec redirection. I wonder if there is some way to omit/change this behavior because I would follow spring security rules automatically without to create rules on spring webflow.

security rules

        .exceptionHandling().authenticationEntryPoint(new AccessDenyEntryPoint())

    // Disable CSRF (won't work with JSF) but ensure last HTTP POST request is saved
    // See

        .requestCache(new HttpSessionRequestCache())

Webflow rules

    <view-state id="login" view="login.xhtml">
    <transition on="entry" to="connect"/>
    <transition on="recoveryPass" to="recovery" />

<action-state id="connect">
    <evaluate expression="login.connect()" />
    <transition on="yes" to="connected" />
    <transition on="no" to="recovery" />

<view-state id="recovery" view="recovery.xhtml">

    <transition on="sendPass" to="login" />
    <transition on="return" to="login" />
    <transition on="error" />

<end-state id="finish" />

validation code

public String connect(){

        Authentication request=new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(getEmail(), getPassword());
        Authentication result=daoProvider.authenticate(request);
    }catch (BadCredentialsException e) {
        return "no";
    }catch (LockedException e) {
        return "no";
    }catch (DisabledException e) {
        return "no";

    return "yes";


  • Real problem was I was setting secured control on spring security configuration and I should set their on flow definition. Create a custom form page/controller wasn't the problem and works properly and it's not necessary to set loginProccess if you are using a bean. So, configuration would be some like this

    Security config

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            .exceptionHandling().authenticationEntryPoint(new AccessDenyEntryPoint())
            .exceptionHandling().accessDeniedHandler(new AccessDenyHandlerPoint())  
        // Disable CSRF (won't work with JSF) but ensure last HTTP POST request is saved
        // See

    Flow definition

        <secured attributes="ROLE_USER" />
        <evaluate expression="spaceBO.dao.getAll()" result="flowScope.spaces"/>
    <view-state id="inicio" view="main.xhtml">