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Git difftool not launching external DiffMerge program

I've been following the directions in the "blog entry by Dave" link in this answer as I'm on Windows 7 and do use SourceGear's DiffMerge tool. I've added the git\cmd directory to my PATH system variable and put my file in there:

"C:\Program Files\SourceGear\Common\DiffMerge\sgdm.exe" "$1" "$2" | cat

(Yes, it's the correct path for DiffMerge.)

I've edited my .gitconfig file to include the diff and difftool chunks (I copied the lines directly from the post, and he does leave in the commented-out #external line. I added this to the end of my file; is that OK? )

    # external =
    tool = diffmerge
[difftool "diffmerge"]
    cmd = "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"

So I go to git bash and do git difftool HEAD~ 67b8679 -- js/site/pizzabuilder.js and hit enter. Nothing happens. If I do git difftool HEAD~ 67b8679, leaving off the file I want, I get this:

Viewing: 'js/angular/hutlovers/hutlovers.js'
Launch 'diffmerge' [Y/n]: Y
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git/libexec/git-core/mergetools/defaults: line 17: command not found

Viewing: 'js/angular/localization/StoreListCtrl.js'
Launch 'diffmerge' [Y/n]: n

Viewing: 'js/pizzahut/site/browser_version.js'
Launch 'diffmerge' [Y/n]: n

Viewing: 'js/pizzahut/site/dashboard.js'
Launch 'diffmerge' [Y/n]: n

It continues for all of the files that are different between the commits, but it never launches DiffMerge. I don't know how to interpret the error; what command is not found? difftool? I'm running 1.7.11 in git, and difftool is supposedly included with git starting with version 1.6.3.

When I look at line 17 of the file referenced in the error, this is what's there:

( eval $merge_tool_cmd )

as part of this block:

diff_cmd () {
    merge_tool_cmd="$(get_merge_tool_cmd "$1")"
    if test -z "$merge_tool_cmd"
    ( eval $merge_tool_cmd )
    return $status

Can anyone help me out? I'm a daily user of git, but hardly a power user, and I know nothing about Windows shell scripts, so following the directions in that post is pretty much the limits of my knowledge at this point.


  • DiffMerge

    Not sure if this well help, but this is my configuration for difftool with DiffMerge. Note that I'm using msysgit Bash (not sure if it will be different for Cygwin or PoshGit users):

        tool = dm
    [difftool "dm"]
        cmd = C:/Program\\ Files/SourceGear/Common/DiffMerge/sgdm.exe \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"

    I'm currently using Git 2.0, but I seem to recall having set this up with either Git 1.8.x or maybe even as early as Git 1.7.x, so try it out and see if it works.

    Bonus with Beyond Compare 3 Pro

    I actually do most of my diffing on Windows nowadays with Beyond Compare 3 Pro, though sometimes I will still use DiffMerge. Here are all of my difftool settings if you want to make the switch:

        tool = bc3
        tool = bc3
    [difftool "dm"]
        cmd = C:/Program\\ Files/SourceGear/Common/DiffMerge/sgdm.exe \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
    [difftool "bc3"]
        cmd = "\"c:/program files (x86)/beyond compare 3/bcomp.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\""
    [mergetool "bc3"]
        cmd = "\"c:/program files (x86)/beyond compare 3/bcomp.exe\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$BASE\" \"$MERGED\""