I added a new field in devise called firstname, and I want it to be capitalized by devise during registration.
I first ran:
rails generate migration add_username_to_users firstname:string
rake db:migrate
After that I added firstname to the configure_permitted_parameters
in the application_controller.rb and updated the views. I basically used this but stripped out some unnecessary stuff.
I dont know where I should put the code for capitalizing the firstname and lastname (as well as some other validating). Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.
I think you should put capitalization of first and last names in your User
model. Every time a user is saved, you can capitalize the first and last name. In addition, all validation (or attribute pre-processing/sanitization) can be done at the model level as well.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :capitalize_names
def capitalize_names
self.firstname = firstname.camelcase
self.lastname = lastname.camelcase