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Pass $http from Controller to Directive

I need to use $http.get to grab a json file in my controller:

module.controller 'SampleMapController', ($http, $scope) ->
        success (data) ->
            $scope.mapData = data # works and logs out correctly

And pass that into a directive, which uses that json for mapping purposes:

module.directive 'MapDirective', () ->
    require: '?SampleMapController'
    templateUrl: '../template.html'
    link: ($scope) ->
        console.log $scope.mapData # undefined
        $scope.$watch '',
            (newValue) ->
                chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
                    chart: {
                        renderTo: 'container div'
                    # ... use $scope.mapData somewhere in here to render the global map

But I'm not having any luck accessing that $scope, and not sure if I should be putting it on the $rootScope, or event require the controller.

I'm generating a high charts map inside of the link:

A detailed explanation of what I'm looking for is in an abstracted JSBin.


  • You cant inject $scope in directives , instead you can pass scope in your link function in the directive

          your should use this : 
          link:function(scope,element,attributes){ // Notice to the function scope
             // Now you have access to the scope , and you can do whaterver you want .

    NOTE In dependency injection philosophy , In your controller's you can inject $scope as an dependency , and $ sign is known in angularJS .And the other thing is , dependency injection in controllers does not follow any order , I mean consider this :

           // You see in the injection , I injected $scope first , but it doesn't matter , I mean I can inject $location first , and then $scope , and ...
          // So there is no order here !
         // your stuff here

    But in directives , order of passing dependencies into the link function is Important, on the other hand , names are not important !

      app.directive('yourdirective',function(){// you cannot inject $scope here !
          return {
              link : function(scope,element,attributes){// order is important
                   // anything that comes first , is scope 
                   // Second is always element 
                   // Third is always attributes 
                   // So you could do this : 
                   // function(scooooope,elem,att)
                   // See I changed the names , because here names are not important , but the order is important

    Edit : cleared your code : :(

           require: '?SampleMapController'
           templateUrl: '../template.html'
           link: function(scope){
               console.log scope.mapData 
             // Please test , if still undefiend ;