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array length property in java

please don't mind this is just a simple question on array length property. As a beginner in Java I came across Constants and final keyword, which is described as:

Constants are non-modifiable variables, declared with keyword final. Their values cannot be changed during program execution. Also, constants must be initialized during declaration. For examples:

final double PI = 3.1415926;  // Need to initialize

I have read nearly all the related posts, but I have a confusion about its initialization. I've tried to dive into its class using Netbeans IDE but it's implementation was not visible there.

What about the length field to get the length of an array?

How and when it is initialized (runtime/compiletime)?


  • From Java Virtual Machine Specification. Chapter 3. Compiling for the Java Virtual Machine. 3.9 Arrays:

    Java Virtual Machine arrays are also objects. Arrays are created and manipulated using a distinct set of instructions. The newarray instruction is used to create an array of a numeric type. The code:

       void createBuffer() {
            int buffer[];
            int bufsz = 100;
            int value = 12;
            buffer = new int[bufsz];
            buffer[10] = value;
            value = buffer[11];

    might be compiled to:

       Method void createBuffer()
        0   bipush 100     // Push int constant 100 (bufsz)
        2   istore_2       // Store bufsz in local variable 2
        3   bipush 12      // Push int constant 12 (value)
        5   istore_3       // Store value in local variable 3
        6   iload_2        // Push bufsz...
        //line below is what you're looking for [comment is mine]
        7   newarray int   // ...and create new int array of that length 
        9   astore_1       // Store new array in buffer
        10  aload_1        // Push buffer
        11  bipush 10      // Push int constant 10
        13  iload_3        // Push value
        14  iastore        // Store value at buffer[10]
        15  aload_1        // Push buffer
        16  bipush 11      // Push int constant 11
        18  iaload         // Push value at buffer[11]...
        19  istore_3       // ...and store it in value
        20  return

    The newarray int instruction initializes the array and its length. Which means that the array length is initialized when you initialize the array, at runtime.

    The explanation from link above also explains how an array of references is created by the anewarray instruction, and shows a similar pattern.