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Stitch images together from html

This website has a large image combrised of 132 images, I want to find a way to stitch them together into a single image. I know some python if anyone has a clue where to start.

Thanks! Matt


  • Forget Python - use ImageMagic (

    +append to create row

    convert tpn_1.jpg tpn_2.jpg tpn_3.jpg +append row_1.jpg

    -append to create column

    convert row_1.jpg row_2.jpg row_3.jpg -append final.jpg

    You can try also montage (from ImageMagic too) to get all in one command

    montage -mode concatenate -tile 3x3 tpn_* final.jpg

    BTW: on Linux you can download all images using wget and for in bash

    for i in $(seq 132); do echo "$i.jpg"; done | wget -i -

    kochane tatry

    kochane tatry :)