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Classic ASP using C# .net DLL Object doesn't support this property or method

Hey all this is my first time creating a COM object for a classic asp page.

The process I followed when creating this COM DLL is this:

1) Used the Strong Name Tool (sn.exe) and placed the .snk file within the app. (sn -k myKey.snk)

2) Added:

[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile(@"myKey.snk")]
[assembly: ComVisible(true)]

to the AssemblyInfo.cs. I do get a warning on the KeyFile saying:

Use command line option '/keyfile' or appropriate project settings instead of 'AssemblyKeyFile'

3) Ran the following from the Administrator: SDK Command Prompt:

tlbexp c:\\temp\\dll\\classicASPWSEnDecrypt.dll /out:c:\\temp\\dll\\classicASPWSEnDecrypt.tlb

regasm /tlb:c:\\temp\\dll\\classicASPWSEnDecrypt.tlb c:\\temp\\dll\\classicASPWSEnDecrypt.dll

gacutil /i c:\\temp\\dll\\classicASPWSEnDecrypt.dll

regasm c:\\temp\\dll\\classicASPWSEnDecrypt.dll /codebase

All registered just fine without errors.

In my classic ASP page i have:

 Dim classicEnDecrypt
 Set classicEnDecrypt = Server.CreateObject("classicASPWSEnDecrypt.Class1")


I found that the ProgID (using OLEView) was Class1 as seen below: enter image description here

And my C# code (just a snip) is this:

namespace classicASPWSEnDecrypt
  public class Class1
      public string Encrypt(string PlainText)
         [code here]

      public string Decrypt(string EncryptedText)
         [code here]

Once I run the ASP page on my local machine (IIS7/Windows 7 Enterprise) I get this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Encrypt'

/contactupdateWS.asp, line 49

Not quite sure why it says I don't have Encrypt function when I know I do?!

What could I be missing?


  • I already provided some information in comment.

    I also feel that you should not have static method for this. It seems that com does not support static method.

    Also you are creating object of class by using Server.CreateObject method so it is quite obvious that you should have instance method for this.

    public class Class1
         public string Encrypt(string PlainText)
         [code here]
         public string Decrypt(string EncryptedText)
         [code here]

    Hope this help.