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F# Type providers and Sky Biometry

Has anyone used the F# type providers with Sky Biometry?

A majority of the calls work great with the type providers. However, when I call the faces/recognize method, I am getting fails using both the Json and the Xml type provider.

Using the Json one, I declare the type like this:

type skybiometryJsonFaceRecognition = JsonProvider<"">

When I try and use the type in my code, it is failing on the last part of the graph:

let recognition = skybiometryJsonFaceRecognition.Load(stringBuilder.ToString())

It should be:


But instead I get:


I then swapped over to the Xml type provider for just this one call and I am getting intellisense working:

let recognition = skybiometryXmlFaceRecognition.Load(stringBuilder.ToString())

But when I run it, I get

System.Xml.XmlException: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.

Looking at the XML in a call from my browser, it sure looks fine to me:

enter image description here

Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks


  • Thanks to ntr's suggestion, I changed the type def to use local storage. The Json TP then found all of the props and the actual call worked as expected. Thanks everyone.