I have three tables: Orders, OrderAdditionalInfo, Invoices
I need to select (main) orders that has no valid (or uncancelled) invoice.
Orders ->
OrderID int(11)
OrderAdditionalInfo ->
DetailID int(11)
OrderID int(11)
Variable varchar(255)
Value varchar(255)
Invoices ->
InvoiceID int(11)
OrderID int(11)
Cancelled tinyint(4) //if cancelled is 1 then this invoice is invalid.
IMPORTANT: The thing that confuses everything is: One order can be divided into multiple orders.
For example:
When we divide an order with an OrderID: 10
1- Order 10 remains as the main order and a new order with ID 11 is added to the table. (We gain a new order.)
2- Unfortunately, a row is added to OrderAdditionalInfo table:
OrderID: 11
Variable: "Main Order ID"
Value: "10"
3- So, we can know the order 11 has been derivered from order 10.
Do you have any suggestions about selecting orders that matches:
"main order" (is not derivered from another order)
"has no valid invoice"
select * from orders o where o.OrderId not in (select OrderId from Invoices) and o.OrderId not in (select OrderId from OrderAdditionalInfo oi where oi.Variable = 'Main Order ID')