I am trying to get all the feeds of facebook id. I got all the feeds using graph explorer tools but when I use simple facebook 2.0 in android, I didn't get all feeds but few.
`String entityId = "me";
String edge = "feed";
//Bundle params = new Bundle();
//params.putString("fields", "feed");
simpleFacebook.get(entityId, edge, null, onActionListener);`
Above code is my part of simple facebook code.
I want the result that is similar to the result of me?fields=feed. How can I get the result? I don't want to use facebook SDK 3.15.0.
Your help is highly appreciated.
Use getPosts()
String entityId = ...;
mSimpleFacebook.getPosts(entityId, PostType.ALL, onPostsListener);
You can filter by:
- Everything that was published (links, statuses, photos...) that appears on the users' wall. (uses graph path: *{entityId}/feed
- Link published by the entity. (uses graph path: {entityId}/links
- Posts published by the entity. (uses graph path: {entityId}/posts
- Status update posts published by the entity. (uses graph path: {entityId}/statuses
- Posts in which the person is tagged. (uses graph path: {entityId}/tagged