I have a WCF service and and we had to generate a records of clients who have consumed free credit. I have generated that records but now clients with same login ID's are repeating in the records. I dnt want to display the login ID again but want to display all the numbers they have called. Here is the code of my view
@model IEnumerable<MyYello.Admin.Models.CallHistory>
@{ViewBag.Title = "UsersWhoHaveConsumedFreeCredit";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
<h2>Users Who Have Consumed Free Credit</h2>
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered tablesorter" style="display: block">
@foreach (var item in Model)
@if (!Model.Any())
<td colspan="14">No Record Found</td>
Just need an idea how
You should group by user login first then. Here's an example:
@foreach (var group in Model.GroupBy(history => history.Login))
var item = group.First();
<td>@string.Join(" - ", group.Select(history => history.Phone))</td>