I have got this error when I'm trying get latest version from GitHub. Do you have nay experience on this error, please help me!!!
I tried with a complete new checkout and got the same error. Note that its only occurring when I'm checking out from Github. When I checkout from our local SVN repository, it works fine.
Subversion Exception!
Subversion encountered a serious problem.
Please take the time to report this on the Subversion mailing list
with as much information as possible about what
you were trying to do.
But please first search the mailing list archives for the error message
to avoid reporting the same problem repeatedly.
You can find the mailing list archives at
Subversion reported the following
(you can copy the content of this dialog
to the clipboard using Ctrl-C):
In file
line 1550: assertion failed (action == svn_wc_conflict_action_delete)
I have tried to find the issue, but unable to find any resolution by Googling.
This issue has been reported here as well by someone else and seems yet not resolved... http://subversion.1072662.n5.nabble.com/assert-triggered-in-update-editor-c-td117139.html
Moreover, the issue doesn't seems to be related to TortoiseSVN, because I tried to update repository using AnkhSVN from Visual Studio and I got same error.
SharpSvn.SvnMalfunctionException: Subversion reported a malfunction 'action == svn_wc_conflict_action_delete' on line 1550 of '..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_wc\update_editor.c'.
at ?A0x12823cd1.sharpsvn_malfunction_handler(Int32 can_return, SByte* file, Int32 line, SByte* expr)
at svn_client_update4(apr_array_header_t** , apr_array_header_t* , svn_opt_revision_t* , svn_depth_t , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 , Int32 , svn_client_ctx_t* , apr_pool_t* )
at SharpSvn.SvnClient.Update(ICollection`1 paths, SvnUpdateArgs args, SvnUpdateResult& result)
at SharpSvn.SvnClient.Update(String path, SvnUpdateArgs args, SvnUpdateResult& result)
at Ankh.Commands.SolutionUpdateCommand.PerformUpdate(CommandEventArgs e, ProgressWorkerArgs wa, SvnRevision rev, Boolean allowUnversionedObstructions, Boolean updateExternals, Boolean setDepthInfinity, IEnumerable`1 groups, SvnUpdateResult& updateResult)
at Ankh.Commands.SolutionUpdateCommand.<>c__DisplayClass9.<OnExecute>b__6(Object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs a)
at Ankh.ProgressRunnerService.ProgressRunner.Run(Object arg)
I tried with updating local copy using command prompt svn update.. and got same error..
Updating '.':
svn: E235000: In file 'D:\Development\SVN\Releases\TortoiseSVN-1.8.6\ext\subvers
ion\subversion\libsvn_wc\update_editor.c' line 1550: assertion failed (action ==
Any idea how to fix it?
The same issue is reported to Github Support and they suggested us to use a standard SVN client, and specifically http://www.sliksvn.com/en/download. Trying to checkout the same repository using same works fine.
If you are facing similar issue, try again with the SilkSVN or some other SVN client.