I have a csv file with graph formatted as edge list, ie Source, Target, Label, Type (Directed), Weight (all weights = 1) It consist of 31900 edges as i checked in Data laboratory. Then i go to view my graph and in the Context (right top corner of Gephi) i see: Nodes: 1869 Edges: 3160
Why number of edges is not 31900, why it's 10 times smaller??
My guess Gephi somehow reduce this number, because if i compute Average weighted degree it shows 17, so if i multiply 1869 * 17,01 = 31959 - exactly the number of edges. So where that edges on graph?
Edge is a connection of nodes, so edges are equal(same) when its source and target is same. Though your data consist of 31900 edges, maybe there're many identical edge, I guess.
To validate this hypothesis, you can calculate the weight
and you would see the edge now won't be 1 anymore. And the sum of the edge's weight are still 31900.