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How to require one of two possible options in a Ruby script?

I'm trying to configure a couple options in a Ruby script using OptionParser. I'd like them both to be optional but require that at least one is used. One option would allow for a single value to be passed from the command line. The other option will tell the script to use a file containing multiple values to be iterated over.

This is all I've been able to come up with:

options = {}

parser = do |opts|
  opts.banner = "Usage: sat_server_delete.rb [options]"
  opts.on('-f', '--file file', 'File') do |file|
    options[:file] = file;

  opts.on('-s', '--server server', 'Server') do |server|
    options[:server] = server

I haven't worked out the logic each will use yet. Right now I'd be happy to just see an error indicating that neither have been provided. So far I'm not getting even that. The script simply runs to completion and returns to a prompt.

I looked at the Ruby Doc for OptionParser, but It isn't clear to me how to accomplish what I'm trying. Is it even possible to have an either/or situation with options? I'm not even sure if what I already have makes sense. I'm basically just attempting to copy the logic without fully understanding what it is doing.


  • You can check the options hash after the parse! as in

    if options[:file] && options[:server]
      puts "may have only one of -f and -s"
    elsif !options[:file] && !options[:server]
      puts "must have at least one of -f and -s"