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Blackberry Storm - focus issue on bitmap field

in my screen there are 3 managers h1 h2 bmpf = new BitmapField

added in order like this as


add(background manager);

protected boolesn navigationClick()
int index1 = h1.getFieldWithFocusIndex();
int index2 = h2.getFieldWithFocusIndex();
return true;

mow i get the focus index of all focussable fields in managers h1 and h2

but i cant get index of the bitnmapfield on focus i need to execute some code on its click

what to do


  • well i set the extent of the bitmap field and placed the bitmap field in an horizontal field manager and it worked


    class myscreen extends MainScreen
        BitmapField mBitmapField;
        hm = new HorizontalFieldManager();
        protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time)
            if (hm.getFieldWithFocusIndex==0) 
                 Dialog.inform("Image focussed");
            return true;

    i dont understand why earlier same logic was not working!!!!!!!!!!

    may be bcoz of extent of BitmapField