My app doesn't post data to server when I run the release version (signed, Proguard packed). But if I run it directly from ADT, I see the data on the server.
It's weird because it just the same code, one is signed and the other is direct execution. Here is the Code (using org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate
private static String URL = "";
public ResponseEntity<String> sendMessage(UserMessage us) {
private RestTemplate template = getTemplate();
HttpEntity<UserMessage> reqEntity = new HttpEntity<UserMessage>(us, headers);
ResponseEntity<String> result =
template.postForEntity(URL, reqEntity, String.class);
return result;
Below are the 2 scenarios:
Case 1: Works Good
).Case 2: PROBLEM
method.I have tried to log both on my device and web server, I can confirm that empty data is received for Case 2, and I'm not able to figure out why it doesn't send data when I pack it?
Does packed/released (Signed +Proguard) apps behave differently, compared to debug packaging?
I guess that it is caused by proguard. Proguard is probably obfuscating some portion of your code, but this code is dynamically invoked by Spring (and jackson ? you didn't mention it). (and so once it is obfuscate : dynamic invocation failed)
So try to :
if it is confirmed : try to configure it so hat it won't obfuscate class that are serialized in json (i.e. UserMessage) :
-keep class** { *; }