I'd like to solicit an expert advice on the following problem:
I have thousands of files (jpeg images) created under different authorizations in Google Drive. I can see all of them using the RESTful API (DRIVE scope) and can easily collect the file IDs of the subset I need. This collection has to be ported (make visible) to the new app version under the GDAA. And I know that GDAA's 'resource ID' is the RESTful's 'file ID'. I can sure bring all of the files to the Android device (using RESTful API) and re-insert them into the GDAA, but it is wasteful.
So, the question finally emerges:
Having collection of 'resource IDs', is there an easy way to port these files into the GDAA that has FILES scope and its own new authorization identity? Using the Android app only?
If I understand what you are asking, you want to transfer an authorization from one app to another? That is not possible. A user authorized you to access the file with a particular app. They need to reauthorize you to access the file with any new app.