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Python bitstamp api invalid nonce error

A python script was running and now it is not.

                public_client = bitstamp.client.Public()


                trading_client = bitstamp.client.Trading(username='AAA', key='BBB', secret='CCC')

                lastBid = float(tick['bid']);
                lastAsk = float(tick['ask']);
                balances = trading_client.account_balance(); #error thrown from this line

I am getting the following error:

                    return self._post("balance/", return_json=True)
                  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/bitstamp/", line 47, in _post
                    return self._request(, *args, **kwargs)
                  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/bitstamp/", line 80, in _request
                    raise BitstampError(error)
                bitstamp.client.BitstampError: Invalid nonce

Has anyone ever experienced this? Not that familiar with the library therefore not sure what is causing it.


  • Generating a new api key/secret fixed this problem. I believe it was caused by using a mix of the php api and the python api or the iphone Bitstamp app. I will confirm this suspicion, but the overall solution was to unplug it and plug it back in.

    Abbreviated solution: My issue was coming from using the following php and python libraries,

    php python

    Both are A+ great and easy to use.

    The error is created because of the following discrepancy in their methods of creating the nonce (neither is more "right" in my opinion, just different).


                    // generate a nonce as microtime, with as-string handling to avoid problems with 32bits systems
                    $mt = explode(' ', microtime());
                    $req['nonce'] = $mt[1] . substr($mt[0], 2, 6);
                    $req['key'] = $key;
                    $req['signature'] = $this->get_signature($req['nonce']);


                    self._nonce = max(int(time.time()), nonce)

    Where time.time() gives you: 1403366728.072785 and microtime() gives you: 1403366859731819.

    The solution I put in place is to change the python code to:

    self._nonce = max(int(time.time()*1000000), nonce) and the error is solved.