I am using Telerik Open Access for interaction with MSSQL SERVER 2012.
I have made a stored procedure which will set IsActive
column of Role
Table to 0(false) and return all data of Role
where IsActive= 1
My Role
table has columns:
, RoleName(varchar(50))
, AliasName(varchar(50))
, IsActive(bit)
My Stored Procedure:
@Role_Id int
UPDATE [Role] SET IsActive = 0 WHERE RoleId = @Role_Id
Select * from [Role] WHERE IsActive = 1 ORDER BY RoleName
I call this SP in my application like below:
public List<RoleDTO> DeleteRole(int roleId)
OAParameter oaParameter = new OAParameter();
oaParameter.ParameterName = "Role_Id";
oaParameter.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Int32;
oaParameter.Value = roleId;
List<RoleDTO> roleList = base.ExecWithStoreProcedureGetDataWithParam("SPDeleteRole", oaParameter);
return AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<List<RoleDTO>>(roleList);
public List<T> ExecWithStoreProcedureGetDataWithParam(string query, OAParameter parameters)
var queryResult = dbContext.ExecuteQuery<T>(query, CommandType.StoredProcedure, parameters);
return queryResult.ToList();
Now my problem is this works fine. But when I refresh the page, the role which I inactivated comes to in the list.
I checked through debugging that list comes from SP is exactly of Active Roles. But as soon as I refresh the page the role inactivated roles comes again in the list. I have verified SP by executing it in MSSQL SERVER and it works fine.
May be you should write dbContext.SaveChanges()
before you dispose the dbcontext?