I am trying to calculate the laplacian matrix of a graph. I ve calculated the sparse representation of the adjacency matrix which is stored in a text file with dimension Nx3. N the size of nodes (ith-node jth node weight). I open in Matlab this file with adj = spconvert(adj);
. The next step is to calculate the degree matrix of this sparse matrix in order to perform the operation L = D - adj
. How is it possible to calculate the degree matrix having as an input the sparse adjacency matrix of the graph? In order to calculate the degree matrix I calculate the degree for every node:
for i=1:n % size of the node
degree(i) = length(find(adj(:,1) == i & adj(:,3) == 1));
However, how can I perform the subtraction of D and A?
Use the spdiags function to convert the degree vector to a sparse diagonal matrix. Then subtract the adjacency matrix from diagonal matrix to get the Laplacian. Example using your code:
adj = spconvert(adj);
for i=1:size(adj, 1)
degree(i) = CalcDegree(adj, i)
D = spdiags(degree, 0, size(adj, 1), size(adj, 2));
L = D - adj;
By the way, your code for calculating the node degree may be incorrect.