In my application, I am keeping so much of container with components. Now I have to create Fullscreen button for VideoDisplay. I tried some what like the followings
systemManager.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
this.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
videoDisplay.width = stage.width;
videoDisplay.height = stage.height;
But no use. Is any other way is there to do it?
If your app is going to fullscreen but your video doesn't then you should probably resize it using size of your full screen:
videoDisplay.width = stage.fullScreenWidth;
videoDisplay.height = stage.fullScreenHeight;
But since your video will probably deform when adjusting to different screen dimensions (3:4, 9:16 etc) you should resize only one side and adjust the other like this:
videoDisplay.width = stage.fullScreenWidth;
videoDisplay.scaleY = videoDisplay.scaleX;