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How to cleanup the utplsql testpackages?

I wrote a few utPL/SQL Test on a PL/SQL Package, put them into a maven project and let them execute by jenkins. I wonder if there is a way to get rid of the test packages created in the database? It feels a bit weird that the test artefacts stay in the database.

I would either consider a maven goal within the utPL/SQL Plugin to delete the created test packages or having a seperate goal, where I can execute PL/SQL to drop the packages. I would also appreciate other ideas.


  • As proposed in the Question I found one solution using the sql maven plugin to execute a sql statement. Adding this, dropping the package is executed within the test goal but after the utplsql tests are executed.

            <sqlCommand>DROP PACKAGE UT_PACKAGENAMEUNDERTEST</sqlCommand>

    In the configuration I left out the jdbc driver configuration. It is analogue to the configuration of the utplsql plugin. Or simple have a look at