I have a function where I'm reading an xdf file using rxXdfToDataFrame and using a variable in my expression for rowSelection. If I don't pass transformEnvir=environment()
, the variable is not found. My problem is that after calling the function with transformEnvir
, I can't seem to reliably access .GlobalEnv
. If I hardcode a number into rowSelection
I don't need to use transformEnvir
and everything works correctly. I tried setting the environment, but I'm not sure I was even doing it correctly.
The following code reproduces my problem:
envirtest = function()
df = data.frame(x=1:10)
selectnum = 5
rxDataFrameToXdf(df, "testxdf.xdf")
testdf = rxXdfToDataFrame("testxdf.xdf",rowSelection=(x==selectnum),transformEnvir=environment())
testdt = setDT(testdf)
The error that occurs:
Error in envirtest() : could not find function "setDT"
However, if instead of setDT()
, data.table::setDT()
is used, then the function executes.
edit: I forgot to mention that I had tried it without transformEnvir
set and everything worked properly. Also, tables() was changed to setDT() to avoid possible confusion.
Here is a solution to your problem, together with a partial explanation:
env <- new.env()
env$selectnum = 5
Set up your function like this:
envirtest = function()
df = data.frame(x=1:10)
env <- new.env()
env$selectnum = 5
rxDataFrameToXdf(df, "testxdf.xdf", overwrite=TRUE)
testdf <- rxXdfToDataFrame("testxdf.xdf",
Now try it:
x <- envirtest()
Rows Read: 10, Total Rows Processed: 10, Total Chunk Time: 0.006 seconds
Rows Processed: 1
Time to read data file: 0.00 secs.
Time to convert to data frame: less than .001 secs.
Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame': 1 obs. of 1 variable:
$ x: int 5
- attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>