I'm trying to revert an array of VM's (created from C:\esx\vmlist.txt) to snapshot "test" (all were snapshot at the same time with a snapshot named "test").
Here's my script:
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
Connect-VIServer -Server -User root -Password mypass
$VMs = Get-Content'C:\esx\vmlist.txt'
$snapname = Read-Host 'Snapshot Name:'
Get-Snapshot -VM $VMs -Name $snapname -confirm:$false
Any thoughts?
To revert snapshot, you would use Set-VM
Get-Snapshot -VM $VMs -Name $snapname | Foreach-Object {
Set-VM -VM $_.VM -Snapshot $_ -Confirm:$false
Just in case: you may want to run this with -WhatIf
(instead of -Confirm:$false
) first.