I am building a TreeGrid with data from an XML type DataSource, as in SmartClient showcase.
I am using Windows XP and SmartGWT version 3.0, GWT SDK 2.4.0 (using Eclipse IDE).
However, the problem is when I try to expand an empty folder, the tree closes itself/resets and resetting all selections made to none (since i'm using a checkbox tree selection type), and also I got this error(warning):
[ERROR] [testtree] - 15:19:26.637:XRP0:WARN:ResultTree:isc_ResultTree_0 (created by: isc_TreeGrid_0):Adding node to tree with id property set to:1. A node with this ID is already present in this Tree - that node will be replaced. Note that this warning may be disabled by setting the reportCollisions attribute to false.
This is actually very much alike with this (http://forums.smartclient.com/showthread.php?t=20167), however he does not explain the solution. :(
This is the test values i use for the XML data source:
This is the screenshot of the problem; (sorry not enough rep cannot post images) before I clicked the expand button: link (imgur image) and, after: link
According to the image above, this problem will occur if I try to expand 'test212'
, or 'test2'
and this is the snippet of my TreeGrid properties:
TreeGrid test = new TreeGrid();
and this is the properties of my singleton DataSource:
DataSourceIntegerField idField = new DataSourceIntegerField("id", "ID");
DataSourceIntegerField parentIdField = new DataSourceIntegerField("parentId", "Parent ID");
DataSourceTextField nameField = new DataSourceTextField("name", "Name");
singleton.setFields(idField, parentIdField, nameField);
Note: the XML data is already passed correctly into the grid.
Thanks for your help! :)
I think i have finally found the solution. This is no bug, it is my own clumsy fault.
After debugging the project extensively I noticed that there is a idParent
parameter in the GET parameters, and I didn't handle it. As a result, the servlet always outputs full XML data therefore producing this error.