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rich:tooltip does not work in rich:popupPanel

When I attach rich:tooltip element to any element of the screen of rich:popupPanel, it shows nothing. How can I solve this problem?

                <rich:popupPanel id="balancePopup" width="800" resizeable="false"
                    rendered="true" autosized="true" modal="true"domElementAttachment="body">
                    <a4j:outputPanel id="balancePanelRegion">
                        <ui:include src="popup.xhtml" />

This doesn't work (popup.xhtml)

                        <h:inputText value=""
                            id="my" styleClass="input-medium" readonly="true">
                            <rich:tooltip id="tooltip"><span>Hint</span></rich:tooltip>


  • Increasing z-index of tooltip component solved the problem:

        <rich:tooltip id="tooltip3" style="z-index:10000;">Tooltip</rich:tooltip>