The background for this question is essentially an article written by Sachini Jayasekara @ WSO2 called Using Different Reporting Frameworks with WSO2 Business Activity Monitor . I am doing more or less exactly the same, but using rather the REST API to define a data stream and invoke the REST WS API to push data into BAM. Then use the HIVE queries to get to the data. However, it seems that I have missed something, as the attribute data is not shown. Hence the query.
Currently using the REST api which is invoked through a Perl based daemon. This invokes the REST API using the following streams definition and payload:
"version": "1.0.6",
"nickName": "Currentcost Realtime",
"description": "This is the Currentcost realtime stream",
.. and payload definition ..
"payloadData" : [SENSOR, TEMP, "TIMESTAMP", WATT] ,
I should note that the payload is string replaced before its committed; e.g. the actual payload that is committed looks like:
"payloadData" : [1, 18.7, "2014-06-15 16:15:56", 1] ,
The queries execute with no apparent problem, but I am having now an issue with the HIVE query in BAM, which gives me entries output, but not the values. E.g. trying to now execute the following HIVE query:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CurrentCostDataTemp ( sensor INT, temp FLOAT, ts TIMESTAMP, watt INT )
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra.CassandraStorageHandler'
"cassandra.port" = "9160",
"" = "EVENT_KS",
"cassandra.ks.username" = "admin",
"cassandra.ks.password" = "admin",
"" = "currentcostRealtime2_stream",
"cassandra.columns.mapping" = "payload_sensor, payload_temp, payload_timestamp, payload_watt" );
select * from CurrentCostDataTemp;
.. but this gives only the following (see specific picture below) - e.g. that there is NO attribute level data that is shown. However, it is evident that there are EVENT_KS entries given it outputs 4 rows.. so question is how do I reference the data to extract the values, or is there something else going on here that I am not aware of?:
key sensor temp ts watt
Have verified that the data is in Cassandra by checking with Cqlsh - see here:
cqlsh:EVENT_KS> select * from "currentcostRealtime_stream";
key | Description | Name | Nick_Name | StreamId | Timestamp | Version | meta_ipAdd | payload_sensor | payload_temp | payload_timestamp | payload_watt
1402815283659:: | This is the Currentcost realtime stream | | Currentcost Realtime | | 1402815283659 | 1.0.5 | null | 1 | 18.7 | 2014-06-15 14:54:43 | 1
1402815238323:: | This is the Currentcost realtime stream | | Currentcost Realtime | | 1402815238323 | 1.0.5 | null | 1 | 18.7 | 2014-06-15 14:53:58 | 1
1402815280532:: | This is the Currentcost realtime stream | | Currentcost Realtime | | 1402815280532 | 1.0.5 | null | 1 | 18.7 | 2014-06-15 14:54:40 | 1
1402816273765:: | This is the Currentcost realtime stream | | Currentcost Realtime | | 1402816273765 | 1.0.5 | null | 1 | 18.7 | 2014-06-15 15:11:13 | 1
(4 rows)
Most likely a minor issue only that I have overseen, but would be great if someone else have seen this and could respond as well..
When adding in a remote table definition to MySQL DB externally, the tables and all are created, but it seems like the problem is getting to the attribute data in the EVENT_KS table itself, and having that created and accessed through the HIVE script.
Thanks in advance!
[UPDATE - Thursday 19th - SOLVED] Got it working with a few hints to this question. The following code works fine now, which is great.. greatly appreciated for the time to respond from you guys..
drop table CurrentCostDataTemp10;
drop table CurrentCostDataTemp_Summary10;
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CurrentCostDataTemp10 ( messageRowID STRING, payload_sensor INT, messageTimestamp BIGINT, payload_temp FLOAT, payload_timestamp BIGINT, payload_timestampmysql STRING, payload_watt INT )
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra.CassandraStorageHandler'
"cassandra.port" = "9160",
"" = "EVENT_KS",
"cassandra.ks.username" = "<USER>",
"cassandra.ks.password" = "<PASSWORD>",
"" = "currentcostsimple5_stream",
"cassandra.columns.mapping" = ":key, payload_sensor, Timestamp, payload_temp, payload_timestamp, payload_timestampmysql, payload_watt" );
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CurrentCostDataTemp_Summary10 ( messageRowID STRING, payload_sensor INT, messageTimestamp BIGINT, payload_temp FLOAT, payload_timestamp BIGINT, payload_timestampmysql STRING, payload_watt INT )
'mapred.jdbc.driver.class' = 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver',
'mapred.jdbc.url' = 'jdbc:mysql://' ,
'mapred.jdbc.username' = '<USER>',
'mapred.jdbc.password' = '<PASSWORD>',
'hive.jdbc.update.on.duplicate'= 'true',
'hive.jdbc.primary.key.fields' = 'messageRowID',
'hive.jdbc.table.create.query' = 'CREATE TABLE CurrentCostDataTemp1 ( messageRowID VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, payload_sensor TINYINT(4), messageTimestamp BIGINT, payload_temp FLOAT, payload_timestamp BIGINT, payload_timestampmysql DATETIME, payload_watt INT ) ');
insert overwrite table CurrentCostDataTemp_Summary10 select messageRowID, payload_sensor, messageTimestamp, payload_temp, payload_timestamp, payload_timestampmysql, payload_watt FROM CurrentCostDataTemp10;
Using Different Reporting Frameworks with WSO2 Business Activity Monitor. By Sachini Jayasekara
I have amended your query as follows. Please try with that.
CREATE external TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CurrentCostDataTemp ( key string, sensor INT, temp FLOAT, ts TIMESTAMP, watt INT )
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra.CassandraStorageHandler'
"cassandra.port" = "9160",
"" = "EVENT_KS",
"cassandra.ks.username" = "admin",
"cassandra.ks.password" = "admin",
"" = "currentcostRealtime2_stream",
"cassandra.columns.mapping" = ":key,payload_sensor, payload_temp, payload_timestamp, payload_watt" );
select * from CurrentCostDataTemp;