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Vb6 doens't compile- generates huge tmp files

One of the vb6 project which worked fine in XP machine is not working on Windows 7 64 bit.

When I tried compiling the vb6 project on win7 machine it compiles forever and generates enormous .tmp files.

Update #1: When I tried building the exe using command prompt it worked.Not sure why it happens when I build from VB6 IDE

Update #2: Tried all the alternates like running application in administrator privileges,registered dlls in SYSWOW, etc.

Update #3: When I started with a fresh copy of the application I get mscomctl.ocx could not be loaded error.


enter image description here

enter image description here


  • I found the issue,

    There appears to be conflict in DSR files on the project.After removing the dsr files in the project I can able to compile the project.