I'm new to symfony and discovered it's quite different from rails. There is a project on github (https://github.com/openpolis/openparlamento
) that I am trying to set up locally.
when I go to my localhost/openparlamento-master/web/index.php
the page gives routing errors obviously. When I click on the homepage link it goes to localhost, or when I click on contact goes to localhost/contact (which doesn't exist).
I tried going into apps/fe/config/routing.yml
(fe is my application) and tried to make changes there, but it is not working. Is there a way to automatically change all routes? I'll be thankful for a source of documentation on how to change routes on an existing symfony1 project (I didn't find any).
From the command line in root project directory try running (hopefully you are on unix or linux):
sudo php symfony fix-perms
and then
php symfony cc
Make sure that the /web folder is you web root. You will need to set up a local host that points to that directory.