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"dynamic" predicate in prolog

If I want to make a rule dynamic so i can use assert after the database file has been loaded, how do i do it? I'm using XSB Prolog at the moment, the file is something like this:

:- dynamic likes/2


when i try to consult the file with XSB i get an error:

? consult('D:\file.P).
not permitted to assert to static predicatelikes/2
forward continuation...blahblah

Any ideas?


  • The dynamic predicate works as you are expecting, so there is something else wrong if it is not working for you.

    If test.P looks like this:

    :- dynamic likes/2.

    It can be consulted, and then more likes/2 facts can be asserted:

    XSB Version 3.2 (Kopi Lewak) of March 15, 2009
    [i686-pc-linux-gnu; mode: optimal; engine: slg-wam; scheduling: local; word size: 32]
    | ?- consult('test.P').
    [Compiling ./test]
    [test compiled, cpu time used: 0.0440 seconds]
    [test loaded]
    | ?- assert(likes(mary, bob)).
    | ?- likes(X,Y).
    X = mary
    Y = tom;
    X = mary
    Y = bob;