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How to save the content of a MOC to a file, with no -wal and no -shm?

I want to save the content of a MOC to a file myFile.ext. Everything works well, my data is saved to the file BUT I have to auxiliary files in addition:

  • myFile.ext-wal
  • myFile.ext-shm

Are these files necessary for my purpose (saving the content of a MOC to a file)? I would like to "ship" my data in only one file. Furthermore, when I get again my data, I only use the URL of myFile.ext.

If they are not necessary, is it possible to avoid their creation?


  • As CL indicated they are necessary in WAL mode. To disable the journaling mode when creating your persistent store pass the flowing option.

    NSDictionary *options = @{NSSQLitePragmasOption: @{@"journal_mode": @"DELETE"};
    _coordinator = [_persistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:NSSQLiteStoreType configuration:nil URL:url options:options error:&storeError]; 

    When you run your app again the -wal should disappear and the -shm can be deleted or ignored. All you data should be in the one sqlite file.