I'm wondering how to make re-usable html partials with Assemble.
What I would like to do is just simply override front-matter of my new template that references the component I want. See below:
Below is my-list.hbs(references my-list.yml)
horiz-list: "<%= my-list %>"
{{> horiz-list}}
Below is horiz-list.hbs(references horiz-list.yml)
<ul class="horiz-list">
{{#each horiz-list}}
Yml files are just lists of things like bananas, apples, oranges, or whatever.
I thought this would work, but it doesn't.
NOTE: The only thing I have seen about re-usable components so far is a stack-overflow that talked about extending the page using handlebars, but I couldn't find that this morning, and when I read it, it didn't seem like a straight-forward process.
Any help from the community would be much appreciated, given that assemble has some really nice features.
Okay, so... Trying to override data like this won't work, because it has a rigid order to how contexts are put together.
Thankfully, someone has already solved this problem for all of us.
This(below) is what I meant by "extending the page using handlebars"... It basically makes contexts in partials more flexible with data.
There is also a node package that works with this to put keys for all the partials, and adds even more flexibility.