I am/was trying to create an event that my main form can subscribe to. This class will eventually be larger, it is for doing info/warning/error info to Windows event viewer (have not done that part yet) but it also sends to the form information. I have used events in many places, but this is the first time I am trying to make one in a static class. I didn't think there would be any issues, but I get this error "raiseEventtoForm: cannot declare instance members inside a static class."
All of my members are static- I am not sure why this is happening.
Am I not able to produce events in a static class? I can't find anything indicating I wouldn't be allowed to.
Edit: Updated delegate to not have static keyword.
public static class HABLAEvents
public delegate void RaiseMessageEvent(string message, Color foreColor, Color backColor);
public static event RaiseMessageEvent trigger = delegate { };
public static void MessageEvent(string message, Color foreColor, Color backColor) { trigger(message, foreColor, backColor); }
public static void raiseEventtoForm(string message, Color fc, Color bc)
MessageEvent(message, fc, bc);
Edit: That same error "cannot declare instance members inside a static class" is also present for trigger and MessageEvent
here, take an example:
using System;
public static class Test
public static void Main()
EventsClass.someDelegateEvent += func;
public static void func(int number){
public static class EventsClass
public delegate void someDelegate(int num);
public static event someDelegate someDelegateEvent;
public static void Raise()
if (someDelegateEvent != null)