Not able to make loop and statement after it.
wls:/ADMIN_server/serverConfig> serverRuntime()
Location changed to serverRuntime tree. This is a read-only tree with ServerRuntimeMBean as the root.
For more help, use help(serverRuntime)
wls:/ADMIN_server/serverRuntime> dsMBeans = cmo.getJDBCServiceRuntime().getJDBCDataSourceRuntimeMBeans()
wls:/ADMIN_server/serverRuntime> ds_name = "ADMIN_DB"
wls:/ADMIN_server/serverRuntime> for ds in dsMBeans:
Traceback (innermost last):
(no code object) at line 0
File "<console>", line 2
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Not sure is it need to import something before that options like and for that reason not able to make loop with statement:
import time
import sys
You shouldn't need to import anything specific to have access to the looping mechanism in WLST. For instance, try the following:
for i in slist: print 'i = ' + str(i);
The result should be:
i = 1
i = 2
i = 3
The syntax of your statements after the for loop are probably causing a problem in your python script OR if you are manually typing the commands in, you need to make sure you put a space after ...
for it to interpret the next line like:
wls:/offline> j = 0
wls:/offline> while j<4:
... print 'j = ' + str(j)
... j = j + 1
jms 0
jms 1
jms 2
jms 3
Notice it is very important to type in a space character after ...
or you will have the invalid syntax error.