So, I have this scanner device that scans barcodes. I want it to connect through the USB. I'm not sure how to get the data from the device once it gets scanned. I know it records the barcode info in hexadecimal, so when the data arrives to the application, some conversion will have to take place. But, I'm still very confused on how to actually digitally connect and communicate with the device.
I saw online to try and use IOKit.framework, but I believe it's for MAC, which I'm not using. I'm trying to do it through iOS in the iPhone simulator.
I also have a command list of hexadecimal commands I can send to the device, However, I don't know how to actually send the message to the device.
Apologies if I was a little repetitive. Thanks in advance!
You can't.
iOS Simulator has no access whatsoever to any USB device connected to the Mac.