I've got a RDS database with a table containing a ton of data in several columns (some with geo spatial data) I want to search across. SQL queries and good covering indexes on this data is still far too slow to use for something like an AJAX type ahead suggestion field.
As such, I'm investigating options for search and came across Amazon CloudSearch (now powered by Apache Solr) and it seems to fit my needs. The problem is, I can't seem to find a way via the AWS console to import or provide data from RDS. Am I missing something? Other solutions like ElasticSearch have plugins like river
to connect an transform MySQL data.
I know there are command line tools for uploading CSV and XML data into CloudSearch. So far the easiest thing I can find is to mysqldump table into CSV or XML format and manually load it with the CLI tools. Is this with some re-occuring cron job the best way to do get data?
As of 2014-06-17 this feature is not available on Amazon Cloudsearch.