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Unauthorized endpoint, please check Setup->Security->Remote site settings endpoint

I'm unable to send an SMS via Twilio API. I got the exception below:

ERROR : Unauthorized endpoint, please check Setup->Security->Remote site settings endpoint: url

global class SampleSMSTest {
    public static void testsms() {
        try {
            String account = 'xxxxxxxxx';
            String token = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
            TwilioRestClient client = new TwilioRestClient(account, token);
            Map<String, String> params = new Map<String, String> {
                'To' => '+91953835xxxx',
                'From' => '+1920569xxxx', // twilio registered number
                'Body' => 'Hello there!'
            TwilioMessage message = client.getAccount().getMessages().create(params);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.debug('Main error==========>' + e);


  • This looks like Salesforce APEX code. Anytime you want to call an external URL from Salesforce, you need to set the URL as a safe remote site. The error message tells you exactly where to go in SF. Add the Twilio URL "" to the list.