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Adding custom key-value pair in json output Grape and Rabl

I am building an API with Rails. The gems I use to build api are Grape and Rabl. I have done a lot of work but now I have to add status flag before all the json response from the api. How could I do this?

I have this .rabl file.

object @current_parent

attributes :first_name => :name
attributes :cell_phone => :mobile
attributes :email
attributes :address

node :day_care do |m| 
  :name     =>, 
  :address  => current_day_care.address, 
  :phone    => current_day_care.office_phone,
  :website  =>,
  :logo     => current_day_care.logo.url,
  :no_of_child => current_parent.relatives.count

child :relatives, :object_root => false do |m|
  child :child, :object_root => false do |n|
    attributes :id
    attributes :first_name      =>  :name
    attributes :gender
    attributes :student_stage   =>  :classroom

This makes the the following output

"parent": {
    "name": "Devan",
    "mobile": "1234567891",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "address": "762 Beahan Expressway",
    "day_care": {
        "name": "Brisa Erdman",
        "address": "859 Hermann Summit",
        "phone": "915.758.4580",
        "website": "",
        "logo": "/uploads/day_care/logo/1/http%3A/",
        "no_of_child": 2
    "relatives": [
            "child": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Lucious",
                "gender": "t",
                "classroom": "PreKindergarten"
            "child": {
                "id": 2,
                "name": "Lilly",
                "gender": "t",
                "classroom": "Toddlers"

But I want to have status flag in the beginning before the parent opens up like below

"status": "Success"
"parent": {
    "name": "Devan",
    "mobile": "1234567891",
    "email": "[email protected]",

But I cant figure out how to make this happen using rabl. Please guide me through this. If not possible provide an alternative solution.


  • take your current parent.rabl file, and use it as a partial in a new rabl template that expresses the status.

     object false
     node :parent do
        partial("parent", :object => @parent)
     node :status  do

    then call this rabl file from your controller