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GridGain remote cache size always zero

I have a configuration where cache is kept in one node and accessed from another. Although I am able to get() and put() perfectly fine, some operations like size(), keySet() etc don't return me correct results.

Test1 Client node cache config

<bean id="test-cache" class="org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheConfiguration">
    <property name="name" value="testCache"/>
     <property name="cacheMode" value="PARTITIONED"/>
    <property name="distributionMode" value="CLIENT_ONLY" />
    <property name="swapEnabled" value="true"/>


Test1 Client Node Class

public class GridGainTest1
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        //Client Mode
        Grid g = GridGain.start("etc/config/grid-test1.xml");
        //Put in Remote Cache
        g.cache("testCache").put(1, "ABC");
        g.cache("testCache").put(2, "XYZ");

        System.out.println("Size of Cache :- " + g.cache("testCache").size());
        System.out.println("Value for 1 :- " + g.cache("testCache").get(1));
        System.out.println("Value for 2 :- " + g.cache("testCache").get(2));

Test2 data node cache config

 <bean id="test-cache" class="org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheConfiguration">
    <property name="name" value="testCache"/>
     <property name="cacheMode" value="PARTITIONED"/>
    <property name="swapEnabled" value="true"/>


Test2 Data Node Class

    public class GridGainTest2
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        Grid g = GridGain.start("etc/config/grid-test2.xml");

The output from Node 1 is as follows where size comes in as 0 even though there are entries in the map. I am not sure if this is due to some misconfiguration.

Size of Cache :- 0
Value for 1 :- ABC
Value for 2 :- XYZ


  • In GridGain cache API methods size(), primarySize(), nearSize(), keySet(), primaryKeySet(), values(), primaryValues(), entrySet(), primaryEntrySet() are local, they will return sizes or collections only for keys stored on the local node.

    In your case you started the cache on Test1 in CLIENT_ONLY mode, so that node does not store any keys. That is the reason why you always see 0 as cache size.

    If you need global cache size, you can use the following code:

        GridCallable<Integer> sizeCallable = new GridCallable<Integer>() {
            @Override public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return g.cache("testCache").size();
        Collection<Integer> sizes = g.forCache("testCache").compute()
        int globalSize = 0;
        for (Integer s : sizes)
            globalSize += s;

    Convenience GridCache.globalSize() method will be added in the upcoming GridGain 6.2 release.