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Consume available space in Vaadin Gridlayout, but consider line breaks

I use Vaadin's GridLayout for visualization of some title and value labels. The GridLayout has 2 columns and several rows. Title labels are on the left side and their associated value labels on the right.

I want the first column to consume as less space as possible and the second column should occupy all the remining space of the browser's window. If a value label requires more space than available then it must break the line.

I tried to play with setColumnExpandRatio(). If I determine following ratio for the second column (and omit a ratio specification for the first column) then everything works as requested except the fact that value labels with very large textual content don't break at the line's end. Instead, a horizontal scroll bar appears:

public class MyPanel extends GridLayout
   public MyPanel()


   public void buildView()
       setColumnExpandRatio(1, 1);


       setComponentAlignment(titleLabel, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT);

If I also specify a ratio for the first column then the first column consumes more space than really needed.

How can I realize my requirements?


  • The contents of a Label only wrap if the Label has a defined width. Think about it: if the width is undefined, how should it even be determined when to wrap the text? The solution here is as simple as setting the width of valueLabel to "100%". Actually, it's even more simple than that. A fresh Label instance is 100%-wide by default, so you can just remove the line where you are setting the width to null.

    Here's an example UI class to test it with:

    public class MyUI extends UI {
        protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
            GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();
            layout.setColumnExpandRatio(1, 1);
            Label label1 = new Label("Lorem ipsum");
            Label label2 = new Label(
                    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. "
                            + "Morbi augue sapien, tempus ac mattis ut, iaculis a erat. "
                            + "Ut vitae ante metus. Pellentesque vitae rutrum lacus, id volutpat tellus. "
                            + "Duis eget ultricies metus. "
                            + "Vestibulum ac nibh eget velit pretium semper et eget est. "
                            + "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. "
                            + "Curabitur nec rutrum tellus. Curabitur vel urna a nunc cursus congue. "
                            + "Vestibulum pellentesque mi in leo luctus, sit amet auctor enim ornare. "
                            + "Proin in mauris convallis, vestibulum nisi sed, consectetur dolor. "
                            + "Vestibulum ultricies metus ut nulla gravida, eget dapibus turpis fringilla. "
                            + "Mauris hendrerit felis non aliquam elementum. "
                            + "Phasellus ut purus ut urna consequat commodo. "
                            + "Cras semper ac augue quis rutrum. "
                            + "Nunc tristique magna sit amet congue faucibus.");
            label2.setWidth("100%"); // I'm being explicit, but you can just as well leave this out if you like