I can't work out how I can get the previous character that was entered. so in other words how can I get the character that is just before the cursor any where inside the UITextView.
NSInteger pos = [self.textInput offsetFromPosition:self.textInput.beginningOfDocument toPosition:textrange.start];
CGRect s = [self.textInput caretRectForPosition:self.textInput.selectedTextRange.start];
UITextRange *textrange = [self.textInput characterRangeAtPoint: s.origin];
Kind Regards,
Thanks it is what I was looking for, I did see it before actually but was not 100% sure, I modified it slightly and its good.
UITextPosition *beginning = self.textInput.beginningOfDocument;
UITextPosition *selectionStart = self.textInput.selectedTextRange.start;
UITextPosition *selectionEnd = self.textInput.selectedTextRange.end;
NSInteger location = [self.textInput offsetFromPosition:beginning toPosition:selectionStart];
NSInteger length = [self.textInput offsetFromPosition:selectionStart toPosition:selectionEnd];
NSRange selectedRange = NSMakeRange(location,length);
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(selectedRange.location-1,1);
NSString *lastChar = [textValue substringWithRange:range];