has anyone successfully built the ACE+TAO 6.2.6 as static libraries in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 in Windows? I just downloaded the latest version (i.e. ACE+TAO 6.2.6) and realised the package has no longer provided the static solution files (e.g. ACE_wrappers_vc11_static.sln). The only solution file is ACE_vc11.sln and it has contained too many projects. I was hoping someone has had the static.sln handy for sharing, or could tell me steps in details. Many thanks.
It is correct that ACE doesn't ship the Visual Studio solutions for static configuration. The reason is that they are all together add a significant amount of files to the release package. You can easily create them using MPC by running the following command in the directory where you need them
$ACE_ROOT/bin/mwc.pl -type vc11 -static -name_modifier *_vc11_static -apply_project