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BackboneJS - Why double-click to fire event?

I have a Backbone App, using HandlebarsJS for my HTML templates. Now I have a button to trigger a login popup box. My issue is, that I have to double-click the button/link until the popup opens. Why is that?? I'm using the Magnific Popup-plugin. Maybe it has to do with that?

My HTML looks like this:

   <a href="#" class="login">

And in my Backbone View I have:

events: {
    'click .login': 'login',

login: function(e){
            items: {
                src: '#loginbox',
                disableOn: 700,
                type: 'inline',
                mainClass: 'mfp-fade',
                removalDelay: 160,
                preloader: false,
                fixedContentPos: false
            closeBtnInside: false

The loginbox itself, is in the same HTMl file where the login link is.

Can anyone help me out? thanks in advance...


  • OK I solved by myself:

            items: {
                src: '#loginbox',
                disableOn: 700,
                type: 'inline',
                mainClass: 'mfp-fade',
                removalDelay: 160,
                preloader: false,
                fixedContentPos: false
            closeBtnInside: false

    After adding .magnificPopup('open'); it works!!!