The idea is that of constructing a URL through a user input, and then getting this output to the pastebin.
So the script runs, asks for a user input which then goes to complete the URL, which in turn gets in the pastebin. At least, that's the idea.
This is the code I've came up with so far:
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
dim strLink, defInc, remedy
defInc = "INC"
strLink=InputBox("Enter Incident ID",,defInc)
remedy = "https://1st_part_web_url"& strLink &"%22"
WshShell.Run "cmd.exe /c echo " & remedy & " | clip", 0, TRUE
This way I get no output whatsoever to the pastebin. Why not?
Option Explicit
URL = "https://somewhere/somePage?var1=something&var2=somethingMore&id=123456789"
With WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
.Run "cmd /c ""(cmd /v:on /c echo(!URL!)|clip"" ", 0, true
End With
To avoid escaping the possible problematic characters in urls, this code uses a environment variable to pass the information to cmd that will pipe the information into clip.exe