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UIButton changing position doesn't work

I have a problem with changing the position of a UIButton, created in Interface Builder. I have an Outlet to it in one of my classes. Now I need to change the position of this button according to a User Default, saved in standard User defaults. The problem is, that the button's position won't change after calling this code: = CGPointMake(244, 234);

I have already tried to call [self.planButton setNeedsDisplay]

I have also tried to call [self.view reloadInputViews]with no effect.

Thanks for your help


  • You should use setFrame

    [self.planButton setFrame:CGRectMake(244, 234, self.planButton.frame.size.width, self.planButton.frame.size.height)];


    try this

    self.view.autoresizesSubviews = NO;

    If that doesn't work, You might want to do this in

    (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews instead of viewDidLoad or viewDidAppear