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JPQL to select all objects, but with setMaxResult on object collections

I have 3 entities:

User which has Set galleries. Gallery which has Set photos.

Now I want to select all users with their last 3 photos by created time(User may have 10 galleries and 100 photos for each gallery). How can I do the jpql?

I don't know how to get the top 3 photos(select top 3 from p) below:

Query q = em.createQuery("select u, (select top 3 from p) from User u left join u.galleries g left join p");

I know I can get only one user with top 3 photos by:

Query q = em.createQuery("select u, p from User u left join u.galleries g left join p where =:userId").setMaxResults(3);

But what about all users in one jpql?

Thanks in advance.


  • You happen to work on PostgreSQL, so you can use a window function to select the first 3 photo.ids by user:

    List<Long> photoIds = (List<Long>) em.createNativeQuery("""
        select data.p_id
                SELECT as p_id, row_number() as rw OVER w as rw
                FROM photo p
                INNER JOIN galley g on = p.galery_id
                INNER JOIN user u on = g.user_id
                WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY ORDER BY p.creation_time DESC)
            ) data 
            where rw <= 3
            """, Long.class)

    Then with these photoIds, you can fetch the photo/gallery/user:

    List<Photo> photos = (List<Photo>) em.createQuery("""
        select p
        from Photo p
        join fetch g
        join fetch g.user u
        where in (:photoIds)
    .setParameter("photoIds", photoIds) 

    You can then recreate the user/gallery/photo back from the Photo list.

    There is no other way to use JPQL to only select partial views over a joined collection of children entities.