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Xcode AMSlideMenu Opening Left menu only with a button, disabling swipe

This might sound like a weird request but I've been using the AMSlideMenu (which is fantastic)

But on one of my specific projects I need to be able to open the left side menu only using a button.

Now I have a button that's currently working to open and close the menu, but for this specific project I need to use swipe gestures, so I would need to disable accessing the menu via swipes.

I've been looking at the methods that are within the AMSlideMenu files, but I can't figure out how to disable the swiping.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • If you've read the documentation in the link, you could notice they stated that you have to import "UIViewController+AMSlideMenu.h" on your pushed view controller and then call [self disableSlidePanGestureForLeftMenu]; on your viewDidLoad method (or wherever you want). I've tried it with the example they've provided and it works.

    enter image description here

    For iOS 8+ you should call this method on viewWillAppear and not viewDidLoad as mentioned here.